How to Tame the Munchies and Still Enjoy your Cannabis Experience

How to Tame the Munchies and Still Enjoy your Cannabis Experience

The "munchies" are probably one of the most well-known side effects of using cannabis. Many of us have been there - suddenly raiding the fridge or cupboards as if we haven’t eaten in days. For some, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if you’re looking to put on a bit of weight. But if you’re trying to stick to a healthy diet or lose weight, the munchies can be a bit of a nuisance. 

Interestingly, regular cannabis users tend to have lower rates of obesity on average, but that doesn’t mean everyone is immune to the pull of snacks and treats when the munchies hit. The good news? There are ways to manage it without giving up cannabis altogether as you can see below, plus don't forget you can pick up a The Happiest Hour Curb drink which can also help keep those cravings in check.

Why Do We Get the Munchies? 

Science hasn’t fully unravelled all the mysteries of hunger, but it’s clear that hormones like ghrelin and leptin play a big role. Ghrelin is known as the "hunger hormone" - it tells your brain that it’s time to eat. Leptin, on the other hand, tells your brain when you’re full. 

When you use cannabis, particularly strains high in THC, it stimulates the brain’s olfactory system (the part that processes smells), making food seem more delicious and tempting. THC essentially tricks your brain into thinking you’re hungry, even if you’ve just had a full meal. 

That said, not everyone experiences the munchies to the same extent. People with fewer cannabinoid receptors in their brain’s olfactory region may feel less hungry after using cannabis, while others might feel like they could eat the entire contents of their fridge. 


Cannabis and Weight Gain 

One might assume that frequent munchies would lead to weight gain, but studies suggest otherwise. Regular cannabis users tend to have lower rates of obesity compared to non-users. That said, if you’re constantly reaching for high-calorie snacks when the munchies hit, weight gain could still be an issue. The key is preparation and balance. 

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Stay Hydrated

Before you light up, drink plenty of water. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Plus, staying hydrated helps combat other cannabis side effects like dry mouth. 

Eat Beforehand

Plan your cannabis sessions around your meals. If you’ve had a proper, balanced meal beforehand, you’re less likely to feel ravenous when the munchies strike. Focus on healthy fats, protein, and fibre to keep you feeling full. 

Remove Temptations

If junk food is out of sight, it’s out of mind. Don’t stock up on crisps, biscuits, or sweets - fill your kitchen with healthier options instead. That way, if you do feel snacky, you’re reaching for something

Get Moving

Exercise can help curb hunger and burn extra calories. Some people like to consume cannabis before a workout for an energy boost, while others use it as motivation to get moving when the munchies hit. Either way, it’s a win-win.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can mess with your hunger hormones, making you feel hungrier than usual. Aim for 7–8 hours of quality sleep a night to keep those hunger cues in check. 

Distract Yourself

When you’re high, your brain can get fixated on food if there’s nothing else to focus on. Find a distraction - go for a walk, clean the house, or dive into a creative project. Keeping busy can take your mind off food.

Brush Your Teeth

It sounds odd, but brushing your teeth or using mouthwash can make food seem less appealing. The minty taste and clean feeling might be just enough to stop you from reaching for that chocolate bar. 

Choose the Right Strains

If the munchies are a big concern, consider switching to cannabis strains with higher CBD content. These cannabinoids can help counteract the appetite-stimulating effects of THC.  

Stock Up on Healthy Snacks

Let’s be real - sometimes, the munchies will win. When they do, it’s better to have healthy snacks on hand. Think fresh fruit, nuts, or yoghurt instead of crisps and sweets. 

The munchies are part of the cannabis experience for many, but they don’t have to derail your health goals. With a bit of planning and mindfulness, you can enjoy cannabis without overindulging. And remember, it’s okay to treat yourself now and then. Life’s all about balance, after all. So, keep your healthy snacks within reach, stay hydrated, and savour the experience.